4K, 5K or even 8K wallpapers for free. Automatic wallpaper switching. Unique features such as weather widget and wallpapers reflecting the current weather. Incredible wallpaper collections - Backiee offers hundreds of thousands of free 4K, 5K or 8K backgrounds. - Enjoy a collection that keeps on growing. Hundreds of new wallpapers uploaded daily by our community. - View wallpapers by popularity, category, editorial selections, resolutions, countries, or publishers. - Find the best wallpapers by tags or colors or search for your own ideas. Set, like or share - You can set wallpaper in just one click. No need to hesitate to open folder and find images. - Like your favorite pictures to get them to the top of the most popular wallpapers list. - Share the best wallpapers with your friends easily. Slideshow - Change your background automatically. - Set a category, editorial selection or even your own favorite wallpapers as an automatically changing slideshow. - Choose how often the pictures changing (every 15 minutes or once a week the decision is yours). Weather widget - Add a weather widget to your desktop wallpaper which automatically updates regularly. - Customize the widget by specifying the position, background color or size. - The weather widget shows your local weather temperature, weather-specific icons, weather descriptions for today and you can choose from the following data to be shown on your widget: - Humidity - Air pressure - Wind direction and speed - Sunrise and sunset time - Clouds percentage - Visibility Interactive slideshow - Unique function: interactive weather, season, and time of day wallpaper slideshow. - Your wallpaper automatically adjusts to the current weather. If the weather is sunny, your screen will also be sunny. - You will always know what current time of day is. You will get sunset wallpapers at sunset. - Your background automatically adjusted to the current season. Spring pictures in spring, autumn pictures in autumn, and more. Synchronization - Your collections are automatically synced between your Android, iPhone, Windows, or Xbox devices. - Set a background slideshow or wallpaper to all your devices. - To sync, you need to have backiee installed on all devices and be logged in with the same user account. My collections - Create your own favorite wallpapers list and set it as a background slideshow. - Organize your wallpapers as a pro. Create folders using the coolest wallpapers. - Browse through your previously saved or set wallpaper in your automatically created history list. Login - Login to backiee using your Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Apple, Twitter, or VKontakte account. - Use your login to upload wallpapers, synchronize your collections with your devices, post comments, and many more. Upload wallpaper - Upload your most beautiful photos and wallpapers and be among the top publishers. - Collect likes to get your photos to the top of the lists. - Share your backgrounds with millions of users. Bing - Choose from the last 14 days Bing wallpapers or create a slideshow to automatically get the daily Bing background. - Change the Bing region to see what the daily Bing background in different countries is.